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Out of Retirement to Fire Chief

Theta Omega Editor

Brother Charles Mucker Sr. Sworn as Shively first African American Fire Chief

On June 20, 2020, WAVE 3 News announced that Charles Mucker Sr. would be retrieved from retirement and sworn in at Shively City Hall (6:50 pm) as the city’s first African American Fire Chief.

Mayor Beverly Chester-Burton said:

“We are honored and proud to have Charles Mucker Sr., join the Shively Fire Department team,” Shively mayor Beverly Chester-Burton said. “Charles Mucker’s extensive years of experience and expertise with the Louisville Fire Department will be a great compliment to our outstanding Fire Department. I’m confident that his team-building, community outreach and training skills will help Shively Fire Department maintain and develop its great reputation and service to the citizens of Shively.”

Brother Mucker will officially assume the position on August 1, 2020.

Brother Mucker is a second generation 30-year veteran of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity. He was initiated into Gamma Theta undergraduate chapter, Western KY University) on 4/1/1990. He is currently a brother of Theta Omega Chapter, Louisville.

He retired from the Louisville Fire Department in 2012 after 20-years of distinguished service. He returns on August 1 in the lead position with the Shively Fire Department.

After retirement he earned his second Master of Science degree from Spalding University in Special Education and Teaching. His first MS degree was awarded in 2005 from Indiana Wesleyan in business management and marketing

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the Louisville Community convey best wishes and support to Chief Mucker.

By Brother Furman Glenn, Ph.D

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