Theta Omega Chapter - Louisville, KY Charter Members - Dec. 12, 1922
Brother John O. Catalan , was born in Louisiana on February 12, 1886 and died May 2, 1963. He graduated from Howard University in 1913 with an A.B. degree. He was initiated into Alpha Chapter in 1915. He became a medical doctor in or about 1919. He is listed among a group of twenty to start Delta Chapter in Nashville in 1919. He came to Louisville around 1920 and was a licensed physician at the start of Theta Omega Chapter. He was active in politics in the community and ran on the unsuccessful Independent-Lincoln political party slate in 1921 as a Coroner. He was Identified in the minutes but held no office. He later moved from Louisville.
Brother Ralph N. Dunn, was born in North Carolina on March 13, 1891 and died on May 23, 1954. He graduated from Lincoln University in 1914, in Pennsylvania, with an A.B .degree. He was initiated into Beta Chapter in 1914. He came to Louisville Ky., in 1922 to begin work as Executive Secretary of Y.M.C.A. Brother Dunn, was a football star at Lincoln the chapter minutes. University per the Oracle of 1923, and a gifted vocalist. He was identified as Chapter Editor.
Brother William L. Kean, was born in Louisville, Ky. on October 12, 1899 and died April 29, 1958. He graduated from Howard University in 1922 with an A.B. Degree. He was initiated into Alpha Chapter. He was identified as the Head Charter person at the inception ceremony/ program in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1922. Bro Kean was chosen a representative to the first Pan-Hellenic Council. He held the office of Keeper of Finance for several years. Coach Kean's greatest accomplishments were in area of sports. He was a 1922 All American at Howard; and as a coach, he directed Louisville Central football and basketball teams as the winningest coach of all time.
Brother Jesse H Lawrence, was born in Anchorage, Ky., about 1900 and died Jan 30, 1966. He attended Central High School and graduated from Howard University in 1919 with an A.B. degree. He later obtained a M.S. degree from Indiana University. He was initiated into Alpha Chapter in 1922. Brother Lawrence served as Basileus and other positions in Theta Omega Chapter during his active years. He was a Republican and was the third African American elected to the Kentucky General Assembly. Bro. Lawrence's major accomplishment as legislator was the introduction of an amendment to the Day Law to allow Black students to attend public and private schools in Kentucky.
Brother Charles H. Parrish, Jr, was born in Louisville, Ky on January 12, 1899 and died July 15, 1989. He graduated from Howard University in 1920 with an A.B. degree, a M.A. degree from Colombia University in Sociology, and a PH.D., in 1944 from University of Chicago. He was initiated into Alpha Chapter in 1917. Brother Parrish taught mathematics at Simmons University; Sociology later at the Univ of Louisville, and ultimately to be Dean of the Sociology Department. Dr. Parrish was well renowned as an Educator, Writer, and distinguished College professor. Brother Parrish, while serving in the chapter, was Basileus, Vice Basileus, and KRS.
Brother James A. Redd, was born in Louisville, Ky., on May 9, 1899, and died December 12, 1976. He attended Central High School and graduated from Howard University in 1922 with a B.S. degree. He was initiated into Alpha Chapter. Brother Redd was a college professor at Simmons University and later an insurance businessman. Brother Redd was Basileus several years per the chapter minutes.
Brother Oliver A. Ross, was born in Arkansas on April 3, 1899 and died November 15, 1973. He graduated from Howard University in 1920 with an A.B. Degree. He was initiated in Alpha Chapter. Bro Ross is believed to be a school teacher in Jefferson County. He is listed in the research material and IHQ as part of the chapter in 1922. He is listed also as part of the history committee questionnaire.
Brother Francis A. Taylor, was born in Maryland on April 3, 1883 and died October 9, 1946. 'POP' Taylor received a "Certificate' from Howard University in 1910. He later graduated from Howard University in 1914 with a B.S. degree. He was initiated in Alpha Chapter prior to 1914. Brother Taylor is the oldest member of the charter eight and served Theta Omega as Basileus and Vice Basileus for four years and several years as chaplain. Due to the time period at Howard (1910), it is believed that Brother Taylor was very familiar with the three fraternity's founders especially since their graduation dates are the same.