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Half A Century In The Fold

Theta Omega Editor

On May 8th 2020, Jimmie Welch 11 SHOWDQG Delta Sigma Spr70 hit his 50th year Queversary in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. In 1970 Bro Welch and the rest of the Soulful Strokers were the charter line of Delta Sigma at Eastern Kentucky University.

I had the pleasure of being able to ask Bro Welch a few questions about his journey.

Editor: Bro Welch, I know a little about Delta Sigma being at the Louisville Municipal College, can you enlighten me on how it came to be at Eastern Kentucky University?

Bro Welch: Delta Sigma was first charted on May 1st 1934 at the Louisville Municipal College for Negroes. Louisville Municipal College was the separate higher education institution under the administration of the Board of Trustees of the University of Louisville. In 1950 in the mix of the school on the verge of closing, the chapter of Delta Sigma closed as well. The charter laid dormant for 20 years. In 1970 myself and the rest of the Soulful Strokers brought the Delta Sigma charter to the campus of Eastern Kentucky University.

Editor: Bro Welch, when did you come to be a member of the Theta Omega Chapter?

Bro Welch: In 1971 is when I started to be active in the Theta Omega Chapter.

Editor: Bro Welch, you have been in the fraternity longer than I have been alive, what is something that you have learned?

Bro Welch: I have learned to base my life off the 4 Cards (Cardinal Principles) Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift.

Editor: Bro Welch, I can see the 4 Cards in your life from being around you. One last question Bro Welch, being that I am one of the younger brothers in Theta Omega, what one word and why can you pass down to me?

Bro Welch: Perseverance; the reason why I am say that, is that you got to keep fighting don’t take no for an answer and never give up.

Editor: Bro Welch, thank you for your time and once again congratulations on your remarkable achievement with your 50th year Queversary.

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Congratulations Q!

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